Equity-Bonds Correlation Tracker

The graph below is automatically updated on a daily basis using Google Spreadsheet combine with Google Finance API #FinTech - Access File here

Fed Rate Hike Not Seen Til 2016, Cheap Money Fueling Stocks - April 18th, 2015

Equity-bonds correlation has move up from -70% on Feb 5th, 2015 to -17% this week. Increasing likelihood of a rate hike by the Fed this year but also uncertainties about inflation may explain this rapid variation.

#GoldmanSachs : "We do not have much confidence in the inflation outlook"  http://ow.ly/LMlUg #inflation #uncertainty

High valuations represent a risk both on Equity and Bonds - April 5th, 2015
“We believe that the biggest risk is valuation risk: the risk of loss that is realized when expensive assets revert to fair value. This risk is critically important today as we believe stocks and bonds are expensive globally,” Catherine LeGraw, a member of GMO’s asset allocation team, wrote in a recent white paper.

Are you buying top-performing bond funds for the wrong reasons?
Feb 27, 2014
Bond funds that have been prepared to take on more risk have prospered from a relative point of view recently, but they could be set for tough times ahead in a risk-off environment.
By Joshua Ausden, Editor, FE Trustnet

Feb 3, 2014
Initial jump into positive territories were related to "Tapering" announcements and expectations of interest rates increases; rates variations anticipations are now stabilized.

A risk-off episode? Transient adjustment or more serious?
Currencies movements – Yen, USD, EM currencies(1)
Keeping a clear mind: where are the international reserves(2)
Safe haven adjustment into US Govies

OECD was pointing out a stagflation risk(3) (low growth with inflation pressures) in May 2013 in the lines of IMF – O. Blanchard (2009) publications(4)
This can be a factor for bonds-equity positive correlation as pointed out by  Hasseltoft (2009)(2) 
Pressures on oil and other commodities prices are not that high (except US natural gas due to extreme weather conditions in January)

Mid-long terms are currently (and again) potential hedging positions for equity

(1) Reinout De Bock & Irineu E. Carvalho Filho, 2013. The Behavior of Currencies during Risk-off EpisodesIMF Working Papers 13/8, International Monetary Fund.

(4) Blanchard, Olivier (2009). Macroeconomics  (5th ed.). Prentice Hall. pp. 152, 583, 584, G–9. ISBN 0-13-013306-X.
